Mobile security Patrols

Dominion protection services offers either random or specified timed patrols your home or business location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. In these patrols, the security guards will perform a variety of services, including:
* Perimeter Patrol * Internal And Or External Checks * Full Site Surveillance * Locking/Unlocking Of Doors/Windows * Or Any Other Services Specified By Our Clients *
Dominion protection services security guards provides a complete and detailed daily report of all findings. This report is then given to the DPS supervisory staff who forward each report as instructed by our clients.
When it comes to protecting your property Dominion protection services guards are at the top of their class. they are selected for their professional demeanor, attitude and ability. Our Mobile Patrol guards are trained to respond instantly and professionally. As the situation warrants, they will call for back-up via appropriate city service officials, such as police, fire department or ambulatory/paramedical services.
For more information regarding Mobile Security please