Special events

Planning a special event? Dominion protection services will assist you to ensure your event is safe and secure. big or small corporate events, fundraisers and galas, hotels and event venues, children’s events, arts and culture events, grand openings, outdoor events like marathons and music festivals, these are just a few of the functions where our services will ensure your special event is everything that you planned. any planned event is about people, we can determine how much security you need and where. some events are classified as “high profile” requiring their own special operations plan and a large contingency of uniformed and plain clothes security personnel. these events bring with them their own special problems like inspecting press credentials to planned emergency evacuations, along with large groups of people trying to “get a look”, especially if the event was highly publicized. and then there is always the possibility of protestors attending these events. at advanced protection services, our staff will help you navigate the myriad of challenges to consider when planning your event.
for more information on special event security please contact: admin@dominionprotection.com