On-Site Security

Offering safety and security precautions with both property and self a necessity in today’s fast paced increasingly unsecure society. Dominion protection services will conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of our client’s property free of charge (over a $5000 value) for all new and existing clients. We will provide you with a detailed and affordable design of a security system that will ensure the safety and security of your property and protect the occupants working together to ensure you have the best security for your needs and budget.
From the initial assessments, Dominion protection services deploys an experienced security team to be on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, operating access control systems, monitoring cctvs, managing guard posts, screening any unwanted persons from entering the property, providing direct surveillance and quick reaction time with minimal after effects to any and all types of incidents. With daily duty report sheets and a variety of specialized reporting systems, Dominion protection services clearly stands out as an industry leader.
For more information for On-Site Security please contact: admin@dominionprotection.com